The latest book from Luc P. Beaudoin is out: Cognitive Productivity with macOS: 7 Principles for Getting Smarter with Knowledge, available on Leanpub, the iBookstore and Amazon.
book, books, macos, organization, productivity, review, tips is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means to earn fees when linking to and affiliated sites.
I know a few people are using PodTagger , so I thought I should publish the latest updates. It’s mostly fixes, but it also now adds a “metadata” section at the top of the file that it writes out that looks like:
podcast, podtagger
Despite the grandiose title, this post is pretty specific: converting RegExRX files to Markdown so I can include them in my nvALT snippets collection. Despite that, I’m sharing it because you can use it as a base to modify and start “rescuing” your own data out of other applications. I understand why applications of any complexity store their data in structured files, whether XML, JSON, or a database format, but I like to keep my data portable. Since the Data Liberation Army isn’t…
markdown, scripting, search, source
You probably know that I’m a big fan of keyboard shortcuts. I try to learn them all and rarely click a button or pull down a menu. There’s one area where I had a big question I had to pose to Twitter: how do I trigger the “Delete” button in an “Are you sure you want to close…” dialog. I got the answer from Sören Kuklau: ⌘⌫. I figured that, since those are harder to find, I’d write out a few of my favorite dialog box shortcuts.
keyboard, macos, shortcuts
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I have a longer home automation post in the works. It’s actually more philosophical than “how-to,” so I’m taking my time with it. My discovery this week bears mentioning on its own, though.
alexa, homeautomation, plugin, siri
I find the bash commands and overly mysterious, so I’m often playing with them to try to get a better grasp on all of the poorly-documented options. is a shell built-in, no man page, just output. It’s vague.
bash, scripting, shell, terminal