I’ve been doing some screencasts lately, and have wanted to post them as HTML5 videos in many cases. I also wanted to serve them from my Cloudfront CDN. This is not a how-to post, just some things I learned that I couldn’t find existing answers to. For an excellent primer, see Video On the Web from Dive Into HTML5.
browser, chrome, firefox, html, safari, video
Update: Download link has been updated with a new Bing version. The Yahoo search API was sunset recently and the original service fails to work now. The new download will work for the time being…
experiments, search, searchlink, service, snow leopard, yahoo
TabLinks 2.0 is finished, and it’s a total rewrite. The changes have been submitted to Apple, and if all goes well, TabLinks will be updated in the Extensions Gallery shortly. Here’s an overview of the changes:
extension, safari, tablinks
Evernote introduced Site Memory today, providing an easy way to help people clip to Evernote from your site while maintaining control over how your content appears and is attributed. While some instructions are provided for WordPress, some of us will obviously want to customize things a little further.
Wordpress, evernote, php, tagging
4 quick scripts for TaskPaper users tonight, specifically for handling dates quickly. If you’ve used my other TaskPaper scripts, you know you can use natural language to set start and due dates, and then convert them with the Expand Dates script. These scripts allow you to assign shortcut keys to increment and decrement start and due dates.
applescript, date, scripting, taskpaper
I’m on a roll with stupid scripts today, but it’s Saturday… so, whatever. This is a quick command for creating semantic tags in TextMate. It’s short, but pretty smart: if your text is a mix of upper and lowercase letters, it will take the uppercase letters, in order, and create an acronym from them and insert an tag, using the original input as the title attribute. If it’s one of a couple other scenarios, it will give you the tag setup with…
html, tagging, textmate
This script may not be of use to many people, but I’m finding it so handy today that I figured I’d post it in the hopes that someone who needs it finds it. It’s really only useful to people who use VoodooPad to keep a journal or log with a page for each date, and all it does is jump to the current day’s page. Simple, but useful.
scripting, voodoopad
Primer: gleeBox is an amazing extension for Safari (and Chrome and Firefox) that gives you keyboard navigation of links, bookmarks, bookmarklets and more. If you haven’t tried it out, you should.
extension, gleebox, safari
Due in part to the inclusion of Instapaper Beyond in Apple’s Safari Extensions Gallery, I’ve put together a dedicated “microsite” for Instapaper Beyond. You can check it out at http://brettterpstra.com/instapaperbeyond.
extension, instapaper, instapaper beyond, safari
I just got word from Apple that Instapaper Beyond is being added to the Safari Extensions Gallery! That’s great news, for the most part… it means that I’ll have to run all future updates through Apple before releasing them, but I assume that will just be a minor formality in the grand scheme of things.
extension, instapaper, instapaper beyond, safari