Web excursions: April 3 - April 9

Common Elements Used in Wooden UI Design Some cool tutorials included, even if you’re already bored with “wooden” UI design. CSS3 Generator - By Eric Hoffman & Peter Funk Another CSS3 generator… Team From Engadget Makes Jump to SB Nation - NYTimes.com I shouldn’t be proud about figuring out something so obvious early on, but I have to say: I knew it. 10 more useful iPhone tips & tricks Again I’m amazed at how much I don’t know. Did you know that if… bookmarks

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AutoTag2: smarter tagging for TextMate and WordPress

I was tooling around the Vim website looking at blogging plugins this morning. I noticed that one of them, Vimpress, had linked to an old project of mine that allowed you to work with Ultimate Tag Warrior tags through XML-RPC. Since the inclusion of tagging support in WordPress, Ultimate Tag Warrior has been defunct, and so have the UTW-RPC plugin and associated AutoTag TextMate bundle. Wordpress, blogging, tagging, textmate

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Web excursions: April 2 - April 3

Ceaser - CSS Easing Animation Tool - Matthew Lein A tool to generate code for custom easing in CSS3 animations. Not only a time-saver, it makes possible things I didn’t even know I could do. CSS Typography: Examples and Tools Huge roundup of CSS typography tools and examples. EasyMotion - Vim motions on speed! : vim online Jump around! Jump around! jQuery Waypoints Given that our lives revolve around scrolling as much as they do, this jQuery plugin has some great… bookmarks

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Mirror your Pinboard bookmarks with OpenMeta tags

Update April 3rd, 2011: The current version, 1.0.4 at the moment, has bugfixes for running without Tags.app installed, more error handling and a new setting for locations where the date format is . If you had a previous version and run into trouble, please replace the script with the latest and delete your file to regenerate a new one with the additional localization setting. openmeta, pinboard, spotlight, tagging

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Web excursions: March 29 - April 2

browserling - interactive cross-browser testing in your browser Really, really nice web-based browser testing. Test most Windows browsers without leaving your awesome Mac browser. Let EC3 run the VMs, I don’t wanna. drdrang/tedist at master - GitHub A python script from @drdrang to get us one step closer to an easily distributable/shareable TextExpander snippet format. Goes along with the experiment I did last week. Thanks! Cloud9 - Your code anywhere, anytime I have to at… bookmarks

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Web excursions: March 28

icanhazip.com Finds Your Public IP Anywhere I’d link the service, but there’s not much to see. Which is why it’s awesome. Huge Showcase of Detailed Interface Design Elements Highlights from Dribbble. LeaVerou/CSSS - GitHub Lea Verou’s CSSS HTML5-based presentation platform. This is my new base for my slideshow projects, and deservedly so. Check it out! Note: adding stacks, builds and external note/next slide popup. Lea Verou I’ll admit it. I had… bookmarks

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Make CSSEdit use the latest Webkit nightly every time

If you’re a web designer with a Mac, you probably use–or at least know of–CSSEdit. In it’s heyday, it was the way to edit CSS. It’s fallen a little out of repair; it doesn’t recognize new selectors and properties (which messes up color coding and completion). Plus, it doesn’t play well with nifty frameworks like LESS or SASS, if you’re in the habit of using those. My “watcher” script was my solution to the latter. There’s a cool trick… css, cssedit, macos, webdesign

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Web excursions: March 26 - March 28

Hacker’s Guide to Tea I took the Community Ed course from Mandala Tea, so I knew this stuff. Here it is, though, all put in one great article. Use the Bash trap Statement to Clean Up Temporary Files A great little Bash tip for any budding shell scripters. has all kinds of possibilities for reducing code and providing better error handling. Syntax - Kramdown A Markdown superset for Ruby which adds–most importantly to me–the ability to set attributes (class, id, etc… bookmarks

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Automating HTML5 video encodes

I spent an inordinate amount of time not doing useful things today. During this non-productivity bender, I got a little obsessed with making the HTML5 video encoding process easier. I’ve been working on a tutorial site for the Blogsmith Bundle, so this whole deal needed to be sped up. I came out with a script which, when combined with the right command line utilities, takes 90% of the manual labor out of creating the multiple formats needed. automation, html, terminal, video

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