Web excursions: October 6, 2012

5 HTML5 APIs You Didn’t Know Existed I didn’t know, and now that I do, I’m just a little bit happier. dotfiles/bin/pinboardhtml A (better) script for grabbing Pinboard links to a local bookmark file. AppleScript Library - Brati’s Lover You know how you always tell yourself you’ll get all of your reusable code into a library and save yourself hours of heartache? AppleScript away… 12 Incredible CodePen.IO Demos These really are incredible. CSS/… applescript, bookmarks, webdesign

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GitHub tip: easily sync your master to GitHub Pages

On the occasion that you’re working on a web-related project using GitHub, you may want to simply mirror your demo pages or entire branch over to the Github Pages for your project to make them web-accessible. An example case for this would be the development of a JavaScript tool that includes an “examples/” section. It would be most convenient to just let people browse that as a webpage from GitHub, keeping it up to date every time the branch changes. git, github, quicktip

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