Brett’s Favorites 2023 Part II

I decided to make a “Brett’s Favorites 2023” part 2. I missed a few things in the first list. This will be a shorter post, but should cover some gaps I left in the first one. appreview, audiobook, books, cooking, macos, reading, review, solutions

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Brett’s Favorites 2023

Welcome to my yearly post about stuff I’ve loved in the last year. I love doing this because it reminds me how amazing the Mac/iOS app ecosystem is these days. I can’t list every app I use in this post, it would take forever, but I can highlight some of the outstanding ones. I’m going to do this all in one epic post this year. It’s going to get long. You could always use Gather to convert it to Markdown, and then make use of all of Marked’s navigation tools 😇. appreview, beta, blogging, browser, developer, email, git, hazel, hookmark, icons, ios, keyboard, macos, markdown, marked, mastodon, na, nvultra, omnifocus, productivity, search, searchlink, service, setapp, shortcuts, taskpaper, textexpander, tools

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