Marked 2.4.8

Marked 2 2.4.8 is out for direct customers, and in review for the Mac App Store version. It features a long list of fixes for little quirks that have come up in Yosemite (as well as 2 big ones). It also adds OPML support (import and export) and an “Outline” mode for viewing iThoughtsX maps, OPML documents, and other outline formats. It has options for decimal and APA style lists. markdown, marked

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Black Friday Marked 2 sale

I’m not a fan of Black Friday. You probably think I’m a snob for saying that, and that’s fine. I have some moral issus with rampant consumerism and unsustainable economics, as well as a fear of mothers who have come to stampeding into stores desperate for crap for their spoiled children. Plus, I don’t like to go shopping even on quiet days. marked, sale

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