Keybindings for multiple clipboards

It’s been a while since I brought up keybindings. If you haven’t followed my obsession with them in the past, you can catch up on all the fun in older posts and by browsing through the massive KeyBindings project I’ve assembled. To summarize, KeyBindings on OS X can provide all kinds of text editing assistance that’s available and consistent across every app you use. bash, cocoa, keybindings, terminal, text

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My pick for best iOS nvALT companion

I’ve been running iTextEditors (a grid comparison of available iOS text editors) for quite a while now, and am constantly asked what my favorite is in various categories. As far as long-form writing goes, I’m still not ready to make a public declaration (and there are new ones on the horizon that look very promising). As far as picking a personal winner in the note-taking category, though, I’m ready to declare my affections for a single editor that works perfectly in tandem… ios, itexteditors, markdown, texteditor

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