I’ve updated my fork of Fletcher Penney’s MultiMarkdown Quick Look plugin with TextBundle support. It’s a seamless upgrade and maintains custom styles if you have one installed.
macos, markdown, multimarkdown, quicklook, textbundle
MindNode 2.0 for Mac is out today. It’s being sold as a new app with an intro price of $19.99 US. That will go up to $29.99 after the intro sale.
brainstorming, mindmapping, productivity, review
Darren Murph, whom I had the pleasure of working with at Engadget for a few years, has published Living the Remote Dream: A Guide to Seeing the World, Setting Records, and Advancing Your Career, a book on the topic of working remotely.
books, review
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There’s an update to Marked 2 almost ready for release which has an in-app purchase option for full spelling and grammar checking. It also includes completely rewritten memory management and background processing which improves speed and stability (that part will be free to all users). Look for that soon! In the meantime…
automation, marked
I set up a TeeSpring storefront where I’ll be offering t-shirt designs as they’re ready. Right now there are two designs from my Rock Paper collection (the Comfortably Numb one, and the most punk rock t-shirt ever), as well as the latest “Lab” design.
The latest update to LaunchBar has a cool new feature that helps it catch up in the area that Alfred jumped ahead in: the Action Editor. It’s not a drag and drop workflow system like Alfred has, but combined with the expanded API that LaunchBar 6 added, it allows users to easily create custom actions.
launchbar, productivity, review