
FYI, this project is listed as "retired." It may no longer function or I may just not be updating it anymore.

TabLinks is a quick experiment, designed to meet my own needs. It copies the link information for every tab open in Safari, and outputs them as a list based on a user-defined template. You can use the following variables to define your link style in the template:

  • %u = URL
  • %t = title
  • %w = window index
  • %n = tab index (within window)
  • %b = line break

Default template presets are included, accessible through the “Presets” button.

Clicking the links once will select the whole block, as will the “Select All” button. Double-clicking the links will make them editable, and changes are saved when you click or tab out of the box.

TabLinks Safari Extension v3.0.0

TabLinks gathers all of the link information from every open tab and presents them for copying based on a user-defined template.

Published 06/18/10.

Updated 10/31/16. Changelog

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  • Redesigned interface
    • Fewer buttons, less chrome
    • New icons
  • New Markdown Links preset
  • Send to nvALT button option
  • Contextual menu item
  • Removes Google and ProductHunt query parameters

Speaking of TabLinks…

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