⌃y |
Replace yank: command with yankAndSelect for use with the kill ring (defaults write -g NSTextKillRingSize -int 6) |
⌃⌥y |
Regular yank, only insert last register and don’t select |
⌃⇧u |
Uppercase word |
⌃⌥u |
Lowercase word |
⌃⌥t |
Titlecase word |
⌃⌥⇧u |
Uppercase current paragraph |
⌃⌥⇧t |
Titlecase paragraph |
⌃w |
Delete word before cursor |
⌥w |
Select word |
⌥⇧w |
Select word backward and modify selection |
⌥⇧s |
Select entire line/paragraph |
⌥s |
Select from beginning of paragraph to last character |
⌃⌥⇧s |
Select paragraph excluding leading/trailing whitespace (same as ^$@\UF701) |
⌥d |
Delete line/paragraph |
⌃u |
Delete to beginning of paragraph (if this isn’t already defined?) |
⌥y |
Copy paragraph |
⌥x |
Cut paragraph |
⌥p |
Paste paragraph below |
⌃⌥p |
Yank (from kill ring) paragraph below |
⌥⇧p |
Paste paragraph above |
⌃⌥⇧p |
Yank (from kill ring) paragraph above |
⌃⇧a |
Select to beginning of paragraph and copy |
⌃⇧e |
Select to end of paragraph and copy |
⌥q |
Cut to beginning of paragraph |
⌥k |
Cut to end of paragraph |
⌥o |
Blank line after current |
⌥⇧o |
Blank line before current |
⌃⌘k |
Move line up |
⌃⌘j |
Move line down |
⌃⌘l |
Indent line |
⌃⌘h |
Outdent line (one tab or char) |
⌃⌘↑ |
Move line up (same commands but with arrow keys) |
⌃⌘↓ |
Move line down |
⌃⌘→ |
Indent line |
⌃⌘← |
Outdent line (one tab or char) |
⌃⇧⌘← |
Full outdent - Deletes all leading space of line/paragraph (updated) (Control-shift-command-left arrow) |
⌃⇧⌘→ |
Delete trailing space (Control-shift-command-right arrow) |
⌃⌘⇧↑ |
Delete leading and trailing whitespace for paragraph (Control-shift-command-up arrow) |
⌃⌘⇧↓ |
Select paragraph without leading or trailing whitespace (Control-shift-command-down arrow) |
⌃⌥⇧↑ |
Modify selection up by paragraph (Control Option Shift Up) (Control-option-shift-up arrow) |
⌃⌥⇧↓ |
Modify selection down by paragraph (Control Option Shift Down) (Control-option-shift-down arrow) |
⌃⌥⇧← |
Modify selection left by word (Control-option-shift-left arrow) |
⌃⌥⇧→ |
Modify selection right by word (Control-option-shift-right arrow) |
⌘⌥⌃← |
Move to first Alphanumeric character of line (Control-option-up arrow Control-option-command-left arrow) |
⌘⌥← |
Move to first non-whitespace character of line (Control-options-left arrow) |
⌘⌥⇧← |
Select to first word of paragraph modifying selection (Options-shift-command-left arrow) |
⌘⌥⇧→ |
Select to end of paragraph modifying selection (Option-shift-command-right arrow) |
⌥⌘→ |
Move to last non-whitespace character of paragraph (Option-command-right arrow) |
⌃⌥→ |
Move to end of paragraph and delete trailing whitespace (Control-option-right arrow) |
⌘↩ |
TextMate Command-Return (Command Return) |
⌘⇧↩ |
Insert blank line above paragraph (Command Shift Return) |
⇧⌥␣ |
Insert space and uppercase next character (Shift-Option-Space) |
⌃⇧␣ |
Uppercase next character (Control-Shift-Space) |
⌃⌥␣ |
Move cursor forward with spacebar (shift-space) |
⌘⌥_ |
Hyphenate next space and move to next word (this will kill non alphanumeric symbols and punctuation, use only on words) |
⌥1 |
Bookmark |
⌥2 |
Jump to bookmark |
⌥⌘↩ |
Continue a list item with indentation and include the same delimiter (Command Option Return) |
⇧⇥ |
Remove one tab (or character) from start of line (outdent) (Shift Tab) |
⌘⌥b |
Bold selection (Markdown) |
⌘⌥i |
Italicize selection (Markdown) |
⌘⌥` |
Backtick selection (Markdown) |
⌃⌘↩ |
Break line with double space (Markdown) (Control-Command-Return) |
⌘⌥= |
Increase markdown header level |
⌘⌥- |
Decrease markdown header level |
⌘⌥> |
Increase blockquote header level |
⌘⌥< |
Decrease blockquote level |
⌃< |
Make selected text into paired HTML tag. Allows attributes, only dupes first word into closing tag (caveat: overwrites your pasteboard) |
⌥⇧r |
Repeat character before cursor |
⌘⇧⌦ |
Forward delete to end of paragraph |
⌘⇧⌫ |
Delete to beginning of paragraph (Command-shift-delete) |
⌘⌥7 |
Right mouse click (useless, doesn’t maintain cursor position) |
⌘⌥⇧s |
Real, honest-to-goodnes Save As… |