Upload the ‘github-stars-widget’ folder to the /wp-content/plugins/ directory
Activate the plugin through the ‘Plugins’ menu in WordPress
In Appearances->Widgets, add the GitHub Stars widget to the section of your theme you want to display them in.
Input your username and number of stars to display in the widget settings.
Styling the output
Stars are displayed in a definition list (<dl>). Each star has a term (<dt>) with the linked title, and a definition (<dd>) with the project description.
<asideclass="widget bt_github_stars"><h1class="widget-title">Users’s GitHub Stars</h1><dlclass="stars_list"><dtclass="star_title"><ahref="https://github.com/asdf-vm/asdf"target="_blank">★ <spanclass="star_owner">repo-owner</span><spanclass="star_slash">/</span><strongclass="star_name">repo-name</strong></a></dt><ddclass="star_description">Repo description</dd></dl><pclass="stars_link">→ See all of <ahref="https://github.com/user?tab=stars">user's stars on GitHub</a></p></aside>
Some example CSS, pulling colors from the Nord palette: