I had let the original TeeSpring stores I had set up languish, and TeeSpring changed a bunch of stuff that made all of my listings invalid. So I’ve relaunched the storefronts with the original designs, plus some new ones.
The Lab has some new logo designs, plus the “classic” ones. Not to be vain, but I’d love to see the lab out there once again. I’ve also updated the **BOLD** design with a new **STRONG** design, which makes for a great, though minimalist, coffee mug. Gruber took issue with the BOLD version from a technical standpoint, so the STRONG version should satisfy the requirements. The designs are available as various clothing items (men’s shirts, women’s shirts, some hoodies), and coffee mugs/stickers. Let me know if there’s something you want but don’t see.
The Rock Scissors store offers some of the old Rock and Roll-inspired designs, plus a new one I like: The hope you guess my name shirt as a tribute to the Stones. My favorite shirt, the tribute to Black Flag, The Ramones, and The Sex Pistols refuses to list, but I have a customer support query in and hope that one shows up soon.
I don’t make much profit off this stuff, it’s more of a labor of love, but it’s definitely a way of supporting my work. Please enjoy!