
I released a new version of Marked 2 this week, featuring integration with Hookmark (formerly known as Hook).

First, I’ll explain the Hook-to-Hookmark name change.

Hookmark 4.0 was released this week as a rebranding. The verb and noun “hook” (as well as the adjective “hooked”) are all used to describe the bidirectional links that the app creates, and there was confusion when talking about it as to whether you were referring to the app, or to one of the links it creates. It’s like the mistake I made calling Bunch “Bunch,” but also calling one of its files a “Bunch.” The rebranding to Hookmark simply allowed the app to be talked about separately from the connections it creates.

So what did Marked add? You can now add hook:// links as images in a Markdown document and the referenced resource will be resolved when previewing the markup. That’s especially handy in notes where you’re referencing a local image that might move in the future… just grab a Hook bookmark for it and use that in your notes. The image will continue to display properly in Marked even if the original file is moved or renamed.

This works perfectly with the Copy Markdown Link to New Screenshot Shortcut for saving a screen grab and generating a hook link in one quick step. You can take a screenshot, then paste the result directly into a note and… you’re done.

I’m still working on fixing some of Marked’s features that rely on Python and/or Ruby in the wake of macOS removing those languages from the default install. Most issues can be solved by installing the Command Line Tools, but I’m making an effort to remove the need for them (by converting the scripts to Swift, mostly). This affects CriticMarkup and Scrivener rendering, primarily. Watch for a new version soon.

The latest update is available via the Mac App Store, Setapp, or with Marked->Check For Updates for direct customers. See all the changes in the changelog.