Web Excursions are select bookmarks from my travels around the interwebs, because I'm always thinking about you while discovering other people's cool stuff. You mean that much to me. You can see all of my (public) bookmarks on my LinkDing, and visit the bookmarks archive for curated lists across the last few years.

Brett holding map

Web excursions brought to you in partnership with CleanMyMac X, all the tools to speed up your Mac, in one app.

I hope you weren’t expecting a weed-themed roundup.

Affinity Publisher
I’m a fan of all of the Affinity apps, so when it came time to buckle down and do the layout for a children’s book I’m working on, I decided to give Publisher a real look. I haven’t used InDesign for years, but Publisher mirrors a lot of the concepts and it all came back quickly. With master pages, text styles, text box shapes, preflight check, built-in photo editing tools, and more, it’s a top quality publishing app for $25 (regularly $50, 50% off right now).
DaVinci Resolve 16
It’s insane that this app is free (paid upgrade available). A complete powerhouse of video editing with color correction tools, audio editor and mixer, and a ton of powerful features. H/T Alexander Gräfe
Andrew Johnson - Free Meditations
I discovered Andrew Johnson while I was testing the early sleep apps available on iOS. He does a great job with body scans and relaxation meditations, and I love his voice. Right now he has 8 free recordings available as mp3s or streamed via SoundCloud.
PSA: Yes you can join a Zoom meeting in the browser
Even if you choose to use an alternative to Zoom, you’re probably still going to have to go to other people’s Zoom meetings. So avoid some of the security issues by joining them from your browser without installing the application.
Open Marked Streaming Preview - Drafts Action Directory
In case you missed it, Drafts for Mac now supports Marked 2’s Streaming Preview feature, allowing live preview as you write in Drafts. There are some things I’d like to improve about the whole shebang on Marked’s side, but Drafts nailed it.

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