Web Excursions are select bookmarks from my travels around the interwebs, because I'm always thinking about you while discovering other people's cool stuff. You mean that much to me. You can see all of my (public) bookmarks on my LinkDing, and visit the bookmarks archive for curated lists across the last few years.

Web excursions brought to you in partnership with Backblaze. Back up everything.

Norsk Hydro will not pay ransom demand and will restore from backups
Just remember that every time you hear about a company paying ransomware demands, it probably means they have outdated/nonexistent backups. I know it’s more complex on a large scale IT network, but you really should back up (ooh, check out this week’s sponsor, Backblaze :)).
Grav - A Modern Flat-File CMS
I’m still pretty deep in Jekyll as my blogging platform right now, but I’m reaching some limits. Assuming I stick with a flat-file CMS (as opposed to WordPress), this one that Rosemary Orchard turned me on to is a top contender.
This tmux plugin is awesome: continuous save of your tmux environment for automatic restore whenever tmux is started, even after a reboot. Load up the tpm plugin manager so you can install this and the requisite tmux-resurrect plugin to get going.
asciinema - Record and share your terminal sessions, the right way
I’ve been seeing these terminal recordings in GitHub readmes and they’re pretty awesome. Text-based session recordings from your terminal, optionally hosted for playback. Recordings can be paused so you can copy text right out of it.
Mercury Parser is the API that services like Feedbin and Reeder use to give you full content articles in your feed. It’s shutting down, but Postlight has open sourced the parser and the API. I’ve been playing with a local install and it makes a great markdownifier. (I’ll probably be updating Marky with it soon so I can switch over to https…)

Backblaze securely backs up your entire computer to the cloud, affordably and reliably. I trust it with all my data. Check it out today.