I’ve always used dark color schemes for coding. I never use dark themes for writing, and I’m not a fan of Dark Mode in Mojave, but for some reason I’ve always gravitated to light-on-dark for coding. I decided to try a change, and I’ve been quite happy with the results.

I’m still using Sublime Text. As much as I dig many things about VSCode, I haven’t been able to dedicate myself to it and leave behind the comfortable environment I’ve built in Sublime. So this color scheme is for Sublime Text.

I also wrote this theme in the old PLIST format from TextMate which even TextMate doesn’t use anymore. Lack of necessity is the only reason I haven’t converted it to JSON, but feel free to submit a pull request.

I created Lucky Charms based on some of the ideas I loved from the original Espresso editor light theme. Part of my draw to dark themes is the contrast it offers for highlighted syntax. Lucky Charms aims to close that gap for me. It uses transparency and background colors to highlight function names and property keys with blue moons, regular expressions with yellow stars, and strings with green clovers (colors I mean, no emoji involved).

Without further ado, a screenshot:

Grab the theme on GitHub. I haven’t added it to Package Control, but you can just copy the tmTheme file into ~/Library/Application Support/Sublime Text 3/Packages/User/ and open the Sublime Text->Preferences->Color Scheme… menu to use it.

I’ve really only tested it with shell, css, javascript, and ruby files at this point. If you like it and want to expand it for any scopes, please feel free to submit updates (pull requests preferred)!

As always, I’m open to all criticism, but if your complaints are about light themes in general, consider > /dev/null.