Web Excursions are select bookmarks from my travels around the interwebs, because I'm always thinking about you while discovering other people's cool stuff. You mean that much to me. You can see all of my (public) bookmarks on my LinkDing, and visit the bookmarks archive for curated lists across the last few years.

Web excursions brought to you in partnership with CleanMyMac X, all the tools to speed up your Mac, in one app.

Botwiki offers a large catalog of bots for Twitter, Facebook, Reddit, Slack, and more, as well as resources for building your own.
The best FTP Clients for Mac Compared
BinaryNights, creator of ForkLift, did a comprehensive speed test of all of the major FTP clients for Mac. Taking into account that this was performed by the developer of one of the apps, it’s worth it as they go into solid detail about the testing procedure and parameters, and the results are (presumably) verifiable. And, as I would have guessed, in most cases every client except for Cyberduck performed pretty closely, but with some surprises in handling multiple-file transfers.
A plain text task manager for iOS with agenda, tasks and an outliner. I use TaskPaper formatting for my todo lists, but if you prefer something closer to Emacs Org Mode, this app will suit you nicely. From the same developer as Trunk Notes, a personal wiki app I have great respect for.
Timing: the best automatic Mac time tracker for productive professionals and freelancers
My favorite automatic time tracker for Mac has updated with MailPlane, Bear, Dash, and Opera, as well as a ton of improvements. Here are the full release notes.
Linux 4.19-rc4 released, an apology, and a maintainership note - Linus Torvalds
As you may know, the creator of Linux is a legendary asshole. As far as I know, this is Linus’s first humble recognition of that. I hope that “I need to take a break to get help on how to behave differently” is a sincere statement backed by action.

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