Web Excursions are select bookmarks from my travels around the interwebs, because I'm always thinking about you while discovering other people's cool stuff. You mean that much to me. You can see all of my (public) bookmarks on my LinkDing, and visit the bookmarks archive for curated lists across the last few years.

Web excursions brought to you in partnership with Setapp. Get access to hundreds of Mac and iOS apps for one low monthly subscription fee.

A crawler that provides full text search of the starred repositories of those who follow you on GitHub. The results are pretty great.
A curated list of screensavers for Mac OS X. I asked on Twitter what everyone’s favorites were, and almost every one mentioned is on this list, therefore I dub it a very good list.
Great balls of fire I need to use something like this more often. Score your project ideas based on Impact, Profit, Effort, and Vision and figure out which project is the most useful use of your resources.
CodeZen – Zenify your Source Code
Generates a shareable image from your source code with customatzable options including themes and fonts.
ScreenTime - Screen sharing for FaceTime
Allows you to show your macOS desktop during a FaceTime video call. I can see a lot of applications for this, even beyond the old “family tech support” gigs.

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