Thanks to ​Zengobi for sponsoring this week!

To celebrate the end of summer and to reward the many students and professors heading back to school, we’re happy to offer special limited-time discounts on new Curio 11 Professional and Standard licenses, including our already-discounted Curio 11 Pro Academic license!

The faster you act the more you save. Discounts of up to 33% are available for a very limited time!

Curio is an intuitive, freeform notebook environment with all the integrated tools you need to take notes, brainstorm ideas, collect research, and organize your tasks and documents. A single, incredibly powerful application where you can be more productive and focus on getting things done.

We have thousands of professionals and academia using Curio from all around the world.

What can Curio do for you?

  • In Curio, create a project to represent a real-world project that you’re working on.
  • Next fill it with everything related to that project including notes, images, PDF’s, documents, web links, multimedia, and much, much more.
  • You can place this information anywhere on Curio’s freeform idea spaces. Or use Curio’s integrated mind maps, lists, tables, index cards, albums, pinboards, and stacks to organize your data into powerful collections.
  • Next, associate tags, flags, checkboxes, and dates for easy searching and task management.

The key point is that everything related to your project is stored, managed, and tracked within a single project file using a single, well-integrated application.

Curio is perfect in the workplace or on campus for taking notes, collecting research, and brainstorming ideas. You’ll be amazed at what you can do with Curio.

Purchase now to take advantage of our biggest discounts of the year!

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