Web Excursions are select bookmarks from my travels around the interwebs, because I'm always thinking about you
while discovering other people's cool stuff. You mean that much to me. You can see all of my (public) bookmarks
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Safari is(‘nt?) the new IE
A post from Nolan Lawson titled Safari is the new IE set off a discussion of Safari’s development, broaching a concern I’ve had for a while now.
MacRumors offers a very handy guide showing average product cycles and time since last release, aiding buyers in deciding the timing of a purchase of a given line of Apple products.
I’m a fan of Victor Agreda Jr., comedian, thinker, and former editor-in-chief of The Unofficial Apple Weblog. His personality is edgy and raw, and one to which I’ve always been able to relate. This article from his hometown newspaper was a great read. There’s a good Systematic episode with Victor, as well.
I haven’t had a chance to try these out yet (they start shipping in 6-8 weeks), but it might be a leap forward in my decade-long quest for accurate proximity detection for home automation.