Darren was a key player and prolific writer at one of the top tech blogs in the world, and he did it all while traveling the world. I knew him during the time that Tim Stevens was Editor in Chief. While titles may have varied, orders often came from “Tim and Darren,” and they were a dynamic duo. The job was challenging and fun, and I wouldn’t trade those years for anything.
In addition to telling his personal story, the book covers a range of topics and tips for people planning to (or desiring to) get into remote work. Planning ahead, conversations to have with supervisors, tools you’ll need, and productivity tips for a different kind of workplace are all covered in Darren’s easy-to-digest writing style. You can find his own comments on the book on his blog.
The book is $3.99 US for Kindle, and available as a paperback for $8.99 US. If you’re already working remotely or you want to get started, I recommend picking it up.
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