Thanks to Working Copy for sponsoring this week! I searched a long time for a good way to work with Git repositories on iOS, and Working Copy is the most powerful I’ve found.

Working Copy is a full-featured Git client for iPhone & iPad. With Working Copy you can clone repositories, view and edit files, commit changes, and push commits back to the server. Other applications can open files inside Working Copy, letting you edit images, text files or even SVGs in your favorite editor.

Included is a state-of-the-art diff viewer for investigating the changes to text files and images before deciding to commit or revert these changes. You can create new branches and merge them back. You can keep your on-device repositories synchronized with one or multiple remotes. These remotes can be hosted on GitHub, BitBucket or any modern Git server supporting http, https, or ssh transfers.

Working Copy makes it easy to store files in your Git repositories with a Share Extension available from any application using the standard iOS share-sheet. Applications supporting the iCloud document picker can read and update files directly in the repositories you have cloned, saving you the trouble of sending files back and forth between applications.

Keep your work within reach on your iPhone or iPad. Whether you use Git as part of your job or for personal projects, Working Copy is the ultimate solution to being productive on the go. Download it for free today and start cloning!