I’ve been tweaking the Titler Service I published last week a bit over the last few days. It’s now an official “project” with its own page. I wanted to push this version out before I lose any more time to it, but if you run into any problems, be sure to drop me a line.
Titler no longer has any dependencies. I replaced nokogiri with a simple regex. The original goal for this little tool had need of more complex parsing, but pulling a title tag out just doesn’t. I also replaced the standard network methods with system curl calls, which means no more hassle dealing with SSL (https) urls.
The new features include:
Option to remove SEO tags (site title, site tagline etc.) from titles
To use this, add clean_seo_titles: true to your ~/.titler config file
If a title is truncated, you can optionally include the original (full) title in a title attribute.
add full_title_as_title: true to ~/.titler
When truncating titles, Titler will now ensure that any open punctuation pairs are closed at the end
HTML entity cleanup
UTF-8 support
Improved error handling
A bunch of more trivial improvements
You can download directly below, and see the Titler project page for more info.