Thanks to Codeship for sponsoring this week!

Codeship is a hosted service that makes it simple to set up your projects for continuous integration and delivery. It has the flexibility and reliability you need to develop and deploy your projects quickly and easily. Its simplicity will improve your productivity instantly with fully automated tests and builds with flexible notifications.

A new feature, Parallel Test Pipelines, provides multiple parallel pipelines to streamline your testing process. You can have up to 10 simultaneous pipelines running, and Codeship tells me that some Parallel Test Pipelines users experienced an improvement in their test suite speed up to a full 10x. Learn more in their Parallel Test Pipelines introduction video!

I got early access to Codeship with Parallel Test Pipelines to try it out. It was amazingly easy to connect a project from my GitHub account, copy in my test and build commands, and see everything run automatically immediately after a push to the repo. I’m not working on anything so huge that I need all 10 parallel pipelines, but I tried some longer builds from other GitHub projects and was very impressed with the results. I wouldn’t have thought I needed hosted test suites, but the integration with a development workflow is frictionless and sure to increase productivity.

Update: Parallel Test Pipelines is now free for everyone to try. Anyone can work with up to 20 parallel test pipelines for 14 days to see if it improves their test suite speed.

Codeship works with the most relevant languages for web development, including Ruby, Node.js, Python, and PHP. Using it is easy: just add your project and define commands for testing and deployment. When you push to your repository, Codeship will run the test and build suites and notify you with the results.

Codeship can deploy directly to Heroku, making it great for Ruby on Rails projects. It also supports AWS, Modulus, and more. It integrates directly with GitHub and Bitbucket, making it a cinch to add to your workflow. You can also hook it up to notifications in tools like Slack and Hipchat.

You can try it out for free right now, with 100 builds per month and up to 5 private projects. Codeship is completely free for open source projects. Also, check out the blog for ideas and best practices for your software development and testing.

Sponsorship by Syndicate