The relaunch of Systematic is almost ready. The first episode on the new network should be live next week.

There’s a new logo. It’s pretty. A big thanks to Jory Raphael for this one:

I couldn’t decide on a public domain track or find the right loops, so I pulled out the guitar and just finished up writing some intro/outro music. Rough mix, but I like it thus far.

I’m going to experiment with a 30 minute format. My typical interview style is a little more wandering (as any regular listener knows), but I think I can ramp up the energy and make something even more fun to listen to. I promise that if there’s a bigger story to tell, I won’t hesitate to go over the mark.

There’s a new Twitter account for Systematic at @SystmCast. Follow it for updates (and conversation as you see fit). Also, if you would be so kind, it would be amazing if long-time fans could go drop a rating and/or review in the new iTunes feed to help the launch get traction faster!

Oh yeah, and a new Overtired should be ready tomorrow!

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