I mentioned yesterday that Curio 9 is out, and I’m really excited about the plethora of new features and enhancements. I talked with developer George Browning and he was happy to provide two copies of Curio 9 to give away on brettterpstra.com.

Curio 9 sells for $99, so this is one of the highest-value giveaways this site has seen. For a chance at one of the two Curio licenses, just enter your name and email address below (email address is only used for notifying winners and creating licenses, nothing is stored on this site).

The giveaway will end on Sunday, June 29th at Noon Central. Winners will be drawn at random and notified shortly after. Check out the Zengobi site for more Curio details (and take the free 25-day trial for a spin)!

Sorry, this giveaway has ended.