Web Excursions are select bookmarks from my travels around the interwebs, because I'm always thinking about you while discovering other people's cool stuff. You mean that much to me. You can see all of my (public) bookmarks on my LinkDing, and visit the bookmarks archive for curated lists across the last few years.

Web excursions brought to you in partnership with Setapp. Get access to hundreds of Mac and iOS apps for one low monthly subscription fee.

To kick off this Friday, I’d like to offer a huge thank you to all of the people who have signed up to support me in my new independent life, and I promise to continue bringing you the nerdiest of productivity posts and tools.

It’s a bit early for a pledge drive, but I wanted to make sure that anyone who missed the announcement knows they can sign up and offer a little bit of monthly support to help keep the lights on. Your small monthly donation makes a big difference in my ability to keep doing the things I do.

Without further ado, my favorite links from the last week:

The TaskPaper R&D Notebook
I’m looking forward to accompanying Gabe on the journey toward a more TaskPaper-centric system. The tools that will likely come out of this shift are going to be a lot of fun.
A self-hosted image server with smart cropping and resizing. Via OneThingWell.
Stop Procrastinating Important Calls With Call Flows
This is a very good idea for getting myself to actually make those calls on my todo list that would take 5 minutes but my brain just won’t let me tackle.
Ember for Mac now with Auto-Import
Ember gets better and better with visual updates, browser extensions for clipping and auto-import.
Browser Testing Report: Browser Test & Performance Testing
As part of Modern.IE, a site scanner to detect coding problems for older versions of IE. Open source version available.
Me, Aditi and Leonard Cohen
Because that happened

As a bonus link, I’ll mention Sincerely Yours, Leonard Cohen (Spotify link), an album of Leonard Cohen covers by Mag Styva. In particular, her version of Chelsea Hotel #2 (YouTube link). It’s a great cover of one of my favorite songs by one of my favorite artists.

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