Web Excursions are select bookmarks from my travels around the interwebs, because I'm always thinking about you while discovering other people's cool stuff. You mean that much to me. You can see all of my (public) bookmarks on my LinkDing, and visit the bookmarks archive for curated lists across the last few years.

Web excursions brought to you in partnership with MindMeister, the best collaborative mind mapping software out there.

The Email Field Guide
Another excellent addition to David Spark’s “Field Guides” series. This one tackles the topic of email with over 300 pages, 1.5 hours of video and more.
Xcode Cheat Sheet
The Tower crew has a handy PDF with Xcode shortcuts you might not know about. I’ll probably add these to Cheaters soon… in the meantime, Tower is 50% off this week (I highly recommend it for git work).
MailMate Explorations
Gabe Weatherhead dives into one of the most promising email clients in development. I’ve pledged funding to the campaign to keep it going, hopefully you will too after you see what Gabe digs up in this article.
Handle Mavericks Tags with Alfred 2
More Mavericks tagging fun, this time with Alfred.
Clean Links
I think I’ve mentioned this one before, but this is a great little iPhone app for cleaning up and un-shortening URLS when writing or for sharing them. Supports x-callback-url for integration with most text editing/posting apps.

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