I received a request to make the Natural Language Date Service work with formats like “+3 5pm” to create a date in 3 days at 5pm. Previously you couldn’t add a time to a “+x” format.

I also removed the dependency on the Ruby Chronic gem; it always defaults to PHP’s date parser now. The syntax is a little pickier, but if you keep it short it pretty much always works.

  • “date today” gives you “4/25/13”
  • “date tomorrow 3pm” gives you “4/26/13 03:00 PM”
  • “local today” gives you (well, me) “2013-4-25”
  • “short today” gives you “Thu, Apr 25, 2013”
  • “long today 5pm” gives you “Thursday, April 25, 2013 05:00 PM”
  • “short +5 3pm” gives you “Tue, Apr 30, 2013 03:00 PM”

See the original post for more details, and download the updated service below.

Convert Date - Natural Language Date Service v1.3

A System Service which takes selected text and parses it into a standard date format, using keywords at the beginning to define which format to use.

Published 06/01/13.

Updated 06/01/13. Changelog

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