Of the hours I’ve been awake over the last couple of days, I’ve spent about 15 of them reading resumes and applications for the current Engadget/AOL Tech front end web developer position. I’d like to share some advice regarding applying for jobs.
- If you’re going to send out a pre-fab application email with customizable fields, make sure you fill them in using the same font.
- Include a resume if the posting requested it. Don’t ask permission to send it.
- Customize (or at least supplement) your resume. If you’re going to link to a web resume, it’s awesome if you make it a unique url tailored to the job you’re applying for.
- Don’t list 10-year-old, deprecated technologies under your current skills. Your awards in COBOL programming are actually a turnoff when listed under skills instead of a achievements.
- Have a skills section. Your job as manager of a restaurant franchise location is less interesting to me than your current capabilities.
- Put that skills section at the top. You know, before your extra-curricular activities.
- Make your resume a well-formatted PDF, not a DOCX file.
- If you don’t know how to make a PDF pretty, use a template.
- if you happen to be applying to a position I’m handling the interviews for, go ahead and include that Markdown version you generated the beautiful PDF from. Extra points to that guy.
- Your resume is not your first impression. The email you send it in is.
- Spell things correctly.
- Don’t use abbreviations for words you would normally spell out.
- Dnt tlk 2 me like yr txt peeps. Evr.
- Respond to the job requirements that were posted, not what you think they should be.
- If the job posting has a set list of skill requirements, it should probably be noted in your resume or cover letter that you have those skills, or why you think your similar-but-different skill is relevant.
- If it’s a tech job, link your GitHub account.
- Have a GitHub account.
Thank you for your time, we’ll be in touch.