Links of interest from July 18, 2012 through July 25, 2012:

Mac OS X Mountain Lion review roundup — David Chartier
Because David Chartier already did a great job of rounding up some of the best Mountain Lion reviews. I’ll never get around to reading them all, but you can jam up your Instapaper queue with this list.
Mountain Lion developer preview changes file renaming options
A handy improvement. Be sure to check out all of TUAW’s Mountain Lion coverage.
Mountain Lion: Notification Center Explained
Among some other great coverage by Macstories: some Notification Center tips.

And a couple of non-Mountain Lion links because I know not everyone is down with 0-day upgrades…

Creating a semantic breadcrumb using HTML5 microdata
HTML5 breadcrumb using microformats with the added bonus of showing breadcrumb trails in Google search results.
Not gorgeous, but this has a lot of the features I’ve been looking for in a collaborative editor for a while. Markdown support with preview, revision control, live collaboration…