Yes, I’ve been horrible about posting for the last week or two. I made you a podcast, though, with the help of Mike Rose (@MikeTRose). We discuss Retina displays, improv and delve into areas of psychology where neither of us should probably be delving… but it’s all for the greater good.

I have some more cool stuff in the crock pot right now, including a major update to Marked, an interactive literary work, more podcasts and a bunch of scripting fun. Regular posting to begin again very, very soon. In the meantime, be sure to check out Systematic Episode 2 and let me know what you think. Any feedback is welcome1!

  1. Once I have this whole podcasting thing down I will shun any and all feedback. I will make award acceptance speeches in which I refer to everyone as the “little people who made this possible.” You will know when that day comes, but until then, please do share.