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Links of interest from November 25 through November 26:

msanders’s snipmate.vim at master - GitHub
Sweet, tab-completed snippets for Vim.
ZenCoding.vim - vim plugins for HTML and CSS hi-speed coding.
Awesome, there’s a Zen Coding plugin for Vim. This is getting to be fun.
Using Git with Vim
Some links and tips for using Git with Vim.
Alf Mikula: Using Spaced Repetition Software to Master Vim
Flashcards for Vim commands, if you want to speed up that muscle memory training.
CSS Box Shadow & Text Shadow Experiments - ZURB Playground - ZURB.com
Some cool examples created using CSS3 box-shadow and text-shadow.
Soft word wrap in VIM 7
Get a real word wrap for prose editing in Vim, with fixes for cursor navigation. Took me a while to figure this out, so I’m sharing to save someone else some time.

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