Curio 12 is out today with a metric ton of new features, and a few that make it an especially exciting update for me. I’ve been testing the beta for just a couple weeks now, but have found plenty of the delight I’ve come to expect with every new release. George Browning keeps setting a high bar for himself…
appreview, macos, markdown, productivity, review, support, tagging, taskpaper
I spent Sunday morning doing my annual cable purge and sort. That plus cleaning out unused apps on my Mac and iOS devices is basically my Spring Cleaning for Nerds.
bundle, organization, paper, productivity, tips is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means to earn fees when linking to and affiliated sites.
Thanks to BetterTouchTool for sponsoring this week! I’m a long-(long-)-time fan of this app, and I’m really excited to see it switching over to a paid model. Help sustain great software!
bettertouchtool, sponsor
Web excursions brought to you in partnership with Setapp. Get access to hundreds of Mac and iOS apps for one low monthly subscription fee.
beta, bookmarks, facebook, nvalt
Hey buddy, how you doing? I’m good, thanks for asking. You don’t seem good. What’s going on? Well, ok, let me just ramble through this for a bit. Cheaper than therapy…
aditi, aspca, emma, personal
I’ve been using a workflow for web images for a while. The final part of the workflow is specific to my Jekyll install, so I’ll be taking a look at whether I can make that of more general interest or not. I think the first two parts are pretty cool, though.
automation, automator, desktop, hazel, imagemagick, optimization, scripting, tools