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David Sparks is at it again, releasing the latest in his video tutorial series: the Keyboard Maestro Field Guide. It’s almost 4 hours of video training on this nerd favorite, with 76 separate videos, plus downloadable samples and code.
automation, keyboard, tutorial, video
I should probably eventually try to make money off of Bunch. But for now it’s just what I’m going to do to stretch my fingers (and brain) in the morning before I start my day’s work on nvUltra (I’ll post an update on that soon, things are going quite well).
bunch, macos
Yeah, this has become my morning habit. Make coffee, add something to Bunch. If you haven’t been following, Bunch is my batch application launcher for the Dock that I wrote way back on Tuesday of this week. As of today, it’s not just for your Dock anymore.
bunch, macos
Apparently this is just what I do early in the mornings now. Bunch 1.0.4 is out. It’s a pretty heavy code overhaul, switching most functions that were using AppleScript over to NSWorkspace, which you probably won’t notice but it solves some security and performance issues. It also does a better job of checking whether it really needs to execute a function (i.e. is the app already running? Closed? Hidden?). It’s speedier all around.
bunch, macos
Thanks to Tower for sponsoring this week! I’m a huge fan of this Git version control app, and I use it daily. It makes complex Git tasks as easy as drag and drop, including integration with GitHub, Bitbucket, Gitlab, and more.
developer, git, sponsor
A quick update to Bunch: it can now quit apps in addition to launching them. If your bunch file has an exclamation point before the name of an app, it will attempt to quit it instead of launching it, making Bunch an actual context switcher. For example, to quit Slack and open Hulu, your would include:
bunch, macos, scripting
Thanks to Taz Goldstein on Twitter, it came to my attention that my tool for generating downloads for my TextExpander snippets had partially broken. In the process of fixing it, I made some improvements.
snippet, textexpander, tools
I’ve more or less finished a little side project I started to make it easier to find and use Marked Custom Styles. I have a lot of plans for improving the styling system itself, but for now I wanted to make a little more user-friendly way to look around than just going to visit a GitHub repository.
gallery, marked, userstyle