A quick TextMate KeyBindings tip

I love the keyboard, and I love keyboard shortcuts. It’s one of the reasons TextMate and I get along so well. There’s one thing that bothers me any time I’m editing text (in any application), though: having to move my right hand all the way over to the arrow keys just to move forward a couple of characters, say, after an auto-paired set of parenthesis that I want to get out of. keybindings, keyboard, terminal, textmate

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Instant placeholder images with TextExpander

When designing for the web, placeholder images can come in handy during initial layout, and even during wireframing, if you happen to wireframe in markup. I’ve been using a TextExpander snippet to generate instant placeholder images at any size (almost) and with appropriate titles using Placehold.it. It’s a really handy snippet to have in your web design toolkit. snippet, textexpander, webdesign

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Blue Bags: new song with 33% more metaphor

You can count yourself lucky if you have no idea what “blue bags with red letters” might be, but I think you’ll get the idea from the lyrics to this song nonetheless. Within certain circles, the stamp bag1 is a common form of packaging powdered goods… at least in New York and other high-traffic cities. A small envelope, often blue in my day, stamped with red letters which spell out the name of the dealer/batch the contents are from. music, personal, recording, something precious

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Single-keystroke Instapaper in Google Reader

This was a quick plugin I put together last night when I got too frustrated to work on my actual jobs. It lets you define a single shortcut key which, after you input your Instapaper username and password, will let you send the currently-selected article in Google Reader straight to Instapaper. It works fine with themes like Helvetireader (Safari extension), and functions in both list view and expanded view. extension, safari

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