I wrote a quick wrapper script for converting local Markdown files or raw text to HTML using Github Flavored Markdown. It uses the Github API, so there are no local dependencies (other than the gem, see below). It just requires an Internet connection. Syntax highlighting and Github stylesheets are included in the output. Any syntax recognized by Github is converted, including line breaks and fenced code.
github, markdown, scripting
Ok, just for (nerd) fun, here’s a Bash shell script that will output a Matrix-ish display in Terminal. I have no idea if it works outside of BSD on OS X, but it has a chance.
scripting, terminal
There was a tip on Hawk Wings long ago which showed how to speed up Apple’s Mail.app by vacuuming the SQLite3 index. I hadn’t tried it since Snow Leopard, but I was having some serious issues with the time it took to open a Mail folder on my Air, so I thought I’d give it a shot.
macos, mail, optimization
Systematic Episode 9 was just posted. Gabe Weatherhead (@macdrifter) just went up. I talked with Gabe about static blogging, using our own blogs as a personal reference library and lots of Markdown talk. The top app picks for the week were fun, and if you’re any sort of nerd you’ll probably find something you like in there!
podcast, systematic
A great post from Michael Schechter titled “Plain Text Primer: nvALT 101” is up and worthy of a pointer from here. It’s the missing manual that we’ve never gotten around to writing for nvALT. If you’re new to nvALT or want to know how to make the most of it, this is a great place to start.
bookmarks, nvalt
Here are the winners of the nvNotes drawing ! Names are linked to comments so you can confirm that you are (or are not) a winner. Codes have already been mailed to the addresses left with each chosen comment, so if yours is listed and you haven’t heard from me, please contact me .
apps, giveaway, ios
I got a chance to chat with Brett Kelly for this episode. We talked about Evernote, and Omnifocus, and some discussion about spousal approval of our musical tastes. We kept it to an hour, so good on us.
podcast, systematic
The Back to Mail promotion running right now has some great plugins for Mail.app users. I always come back to Apple Mail after trying the other (admittedly great) apps on the market. The two reasons for that are overall system integration (AppleScript, mostly) and the plugins that are available. Pretty much every plugin I’ve used and loved is on sale for 50% off, thanks to this promo.
deals, mail
You can now subscribe to a monthly PDF magazine featuring the amazing writers in the Read & Trust network. If you’re a reader and you enjoy excellent writing from top-notch thinkers and authors, you want this.
readandtrust, writing