I’ve had a lot of fun with Jekyll lately. There are little things popping up on this blog that seem insignificant but took way too much time. I’m not sorry, I had fun doing it. I intend to blog a bit more about my Jekyll hacks, but I threw this one on today and it’s simple enough to write about in under five minutes.
jquery, tagging, webdesign
It was great to have Howard Buddin, Ph.D. back on the show this week. We continued our discussion of the human brain with conversations about memory loss, common disorders and the perceived rise of autism.
podcast, systematic
Thanks to contributions from several readers, the Localized Weather Geeklet has been updated with new languages, including Italian, Polish, Norwegian, Dutch and Swedish. The current list of credits includes:
geektool, nerdtool, weather
I talk a lot about keyboard and text tools. Many of my projects are System Services, but I’ve also shared a pretty vast array of KeyBindings. If you’re like many of the people who contact me with questions, you’ve probably wondered what the difference is and why you would want to use both. After all, you can assign keyboard shortcuts to Services, so what’s the point of confusing keybindings?
keybindings, productivity, service
I ran into a situation yesterday where I wanted to create over a thousand TextExpander snippets. I won’t go into detail about why, but I thought I’d share my solution. In my case, I was working with a huge CSV file where one field would be the abbreviation and another would be the expansion. The script I’m sharing below only works with CSV files containing two fields (abbreviation, expansion), but it can easily be extrapolated to work with much more complex sources of data.
productivity, ruby, scripting, snippet, textexpander
If you use both Marked and Jekyll (or Octopress), you may want to preview your posts accurately in Marked before publishing. The first obvious step is to link your screen.css file as a Custom Style:
jekyll, marked, ruby
As you may have noticed, this site has changed. I find it significantly less ugly now, but the changes run much deeper than that.
jekyll, news, webdesign
Happy New Year’s Eve! Since I’m certain you were wondering what you were going to do with that day off tomorrow, Systematic is out a day early this week to make sure your Podcast playlist is stocked.
podcast, systematic
This is part three of a three-part series covering some of my favorite apps for 2012. So far I’ve posted about my favorite Mac apps and my favorite iOS and Mac combo apps. This post covers some of my favorite iOS-only apps for the year.
appreview, ios, ipad, iphone