Services for quickly opening iTunes and MAS links

In Chrome and Safari I disable external URLS for iTunes and the Mac App Store to avoid the apps opening every time I look up an app. In Safari I use No More iTunes, and in Chrome I just disable external links of those types using the built-in security tools. However, I sometimes do want to open iTunes or the MAS, which can be cumbersome — especially in Chrome — if the process is disabled. itunes, macappstore, service

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Scheduling posts with Jekyll

After my downloads system was sorted (post coming up) and I had a writing workflow worked out, my big concern with my Jekyll system was scheduling future posts. I tend to write in streaks and, given that very little of my work is exactly time sensitive, spread the posts out to make up for the days I decide to sleep in my free time. That’s a little harder to do with static blogs. jekyll, terminal

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