Faceless, nameless, unforgettable

You know those relatively mundane moments that you remember forever? The right friends, the right music, the right lighting, the right temperature: suddenly there’s this moment that you know you’ll never forget. It’s not a rush of fear or adrenaline, it’s not an event or circumstance, it’s just a moment that somehow wrote itself to your permanent storage. personal

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Macworld 2013

Well, I’m in San Francisco for Macworld 2013. My first few days here are going to be consumed with planning a redesign for AOL Tech and doing some heads-down coding. If you’re around, though, ping me and I’ll see if I have time for coffee/beer/dinner/whatever. I’m looking forward to meeting some people! macworld

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A downloads manager for Jekyll

On my WordPress blog I ran a plugin called Download Monitor which allowed me to create download ids that could be inserted via short tags. When I updated a download version, any mention of it throughout the site would be updated to show the latest version and link to the most recent download package. I needed something similar on my Jekyll blog to keep things up to date. The following system is geared toward Jekyll but the concept could be adapted to any static blog. jekyll

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Maintaining documentation in Markdown

Markdown can be a great tool for maintaining large documentation projects of any kind. There are simple and not-so-simple ways to create the output, but the basic idea is always to maintain the source documents in Markdown format. It provides an easy way to update and maintain multiple output formats and a centralized repository of information that’s easily shared, community editable and ready to pass on to new participants. markdown

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