I’ve had several people report that the nvALT Tag Search workflow for Alfred 2 hasn’t been working for them. I just updated the download with version 1.1. It removes some of the criteria for the file filter and hopefully generalizes the search enough to work for more people.
alfred, nvalt, search, tagging
While dinking around with Alfred 2, I came up with something kind of handy. It’s a workflow containing just a file filter which constrains the search to your nvALT folder and searches only by OpenMeta tags, and a shell script that opens the file in nvALT.
alfred, scripting, tagging
I like link bundlers. They allow me to share multiple urls with people in a way that’s convenient for me and the person receiving them. My former standby was Linkbun.ch, but they’re getting old and I’m not sure how much longer it will be around. Bit.ly added Bundles back in 2010, and more recently added API access to them. I figured I’d give it a shot.
bitly, service
Slogger has had a couple of small but important updates this week. You can update from GitHub manually or using (if that’s how you installed it). You can overwrite everything, but if you’ve customized your plugin setup, you’ll need to move plugins around again to enable/disable them, overwriting with the new versions.1
logging, slogger, social
I’m writing about a project that’s not finished, might never be and is probably of little interest to most people. This post is basically journaling a milestone, but you can see the project in action right now. I’ll show you in a minute.
scripting, search, semantic
I wrote a few new PopClip extensions over the weekend. There were several features from the Markdown Service Tools that I thought would be really handy to have right after making a mouse selection.
extension, markdown, popclip, service, text, tools