Giveaway Robot with Screen Studio icon, confetti background

The Screen Studio giveaway has ended, and I have a winner to announce!

The winner!

Congratulations to Graham Hall!

You should have received an email with details, please let me know if you didn’t hear anything!

But I didn’t win!

If you didn’t win, sorry, but Screen Studio is still worth checking out. If you do any kind of screencasting or video documentation, Screen Studio will save you a ton of time and produce outstanding videos. The first 10 people to use the code TTSCOFF20 will get 20% off their purchase of the Standard edition — go grab it!

Next up is Moom. Check back every Monday through October, 2024 for more giveaways. The next giveaways include:

See the full list of upcoming giveaways!

If you want to suggest an app you’d like to see in this series, let me know on Twitter or Mastodon, and join the email list for notifications!