
First, there seems to be a misconception that Dimspirations are generated with AI or some other such trickery. I want to assure you that, while the entire process of posting them is automated, each Dimspiration is lovingly crafted by me in Affinity Photo1.

I wanted to detail the automation though, partially for my own reference, and partially just because I’m pretty proud of the system.

The Template

First, I have a template I load up in Affinity Photo. It has guides for all of the various formats that will be produced from the single output file. All I have to do is make sure that the text and necessary parts of background images fit into the smallest guide rectangle, and that the rest of the space is filled with a reasonable amount of background image or matching color. The tallest output is the iPhone version, which on occasion just gets filled with a background color, but I can usually make a background pattern or image fit nicely for iPhone and still look good for all of the other formats.

Affinity Photo template
Affinity Photo template

I have a Dimspirations Bunch that opens the template in Affinity Photo, loads up the Desktop and Dimspirations folder in Finder tabs (for keeping track of the rest of the process below), and opens up Adobe Stock in my browser for grabbing those sweet, sweet background images. So to get started on a Dimspiration, I just hit Hyper-D, Shift-D (my assigned shortcuts in Bunch).

The new Dimspiration gets saved-as with a slugified version of the title I want it to have on the site, e.g. “The end of the world” gets saved as the-end-of-the-world.afphoto. Then I output a JPEG of the whole image with the same slug (populated by default), tag it with .dim in the save panel, and save it to the Desktop.

Hazel and RetroBatch

Hazel watches the Desktop for .dim JPEGS, removes the .dim tag, and automatically opens the image in a RetroBatch applet called “Dimspiration.”

RetroBatch applet
RetroBatch applet

The RetroBatch applet saves various formats with -rb suffix (3 desktop wallpapers, 1 iPhone wallpaper, Twitter and Facebook preview images, an Instagram-ready version, and the 1x and 2x versions of the square image for the website). Upon writing the files, they then get sent to ImageOptim for optimization. The optimized files get saved to a new “Dimspirations” folder.

Hazel watches the “Dimspirations” folder and copies wallpaper formats to an upload folder, where Hazel (again) uploads those images to Flickr as screenshots in a DimPapers album, then deletes the copied files.

Hazel then moves all of the image files to the Dimspire.me website assets folder.

Rake and Howzit

I then open up iTerm (visor mode because I’m not an animal), switch to the dimspire.me directory, and run rake. The wallpaper download zips, WEBP and AVIF versions, and Markdown post are created. The Rake task looks for new JPEGs, extracts their base name, and generates Markdown files for any new ones. It automatically adds YAML frontmatter to each post:

  • A title extrapolated from the image slug, where end-of-the-world becomes “End of the world”
  • the base image slug, which is used to extrapolate the square and @2x versions for display
  • a “manifest” section with a list of files in the zip download
  • An ALT tag auto-generated with textra, which runs Apple’s built-in OCR on the image to extract its text
  • a short url created with a curl call to dim.moi
A dimspiration post
A dimspiration post

The Rake task outputs the Markdown file’s filename, which I can just ⌘-Click (iTerm) to open in MultiMarkdown Composer, where I double check the ALT tag and add a snarky caption as the body content.

In my Howzit buildnotes file I have sections for previewing and deploying, so I can just run howzit -r deploy to deploy the site, which calls the necessary Rake tasks and uses rsync to copy the entire rendered site to the server. CSS and JS (and all images) are served from a CDN which uses versioning like filename.1234.css, and if I want to upload changes to any of these files, I need to bump the version number before rendering, so the Howzit task will ask me upon deploy if it should bump the version. If I haven’t made any changes and have only added a new Dimspiration, I can just hit n and it will avoid clearing the CDN cache.

buildnotes.md for dimspire.me
buildnotes.md for dimspire.me

The site runs on Jekyll, so mass updating the posts can be done just by searching and replacing in Markdown files. The Rakefile has tasks for updating all of the zip downloads with any new versions of the images that have been added (and updating the manifest data in every post with any changes), batch adding any missing ALT tags, and creating all missing WEBP and AVIF versions at once. Whenever I just run rake, all of these tasks execute in sequence, so every time I publish it’s filling in any missing pieces, not just the latest post. It takes about 20 seconds to run all of the tasks on all of the posts at this point, though the zip creation (which rebuilds all zips on every update) will take increasingly longer as the number of posts grows. I’ll deal with making it more incremental when that actually becomes a burden.

So my (manual) part of the process is:

  1. Lovingly craft a Dimspiration in Affinity Photo and save it to the Desktop
    • Wait a minute for Hazel/RetroBatch/ImageOption to do their things
  2. cd to the Dimspire.me website directory and run rake
  3. Open the created post and edit two lines
  4. Run howzit -r deploy (which with my aliases and fuzzy completion is just bld dep, and thanks to Fish’s directory-sensitive history, is just a matter of typing B+F)

As always, if you have any questions about any part of this that you’d be interested in implementing on your own, please join us in the forum and ask away! And as always, I’d love it if you checked out Dimspirations and the Dimspirations Store.

  1. Affinity was recently acquired by Canva. How much are we betting that it switches from the sweet $50/version pricing to unaffordable subscription pricing within a year? They’ve promised to always keep it “reasonable,” but that’s a very subjective term.