Thanks to Keep It for sponsoring this week! If you’re looking for a way to keep all of your information at your fingertips, readily findable, without locking yourself into a database-based system like Evernote, Keep It is a great solution.


Keep It is a notebook and organizer, ideal for writing notes, keeping web links, storing documents, images or any kind of file, and finding them again. Available on Mac, iPhone and iPad, Keep It is the destination for all those things you need to put somewhere, confident you will find them again later.

Create notes with built-in styles that look good and read well on all your devices. Notes can contain checklists, bulleted and numbered lists, links, dividers, images and other attachments.

Or if you prefer writing in Markdown, Keep It includes an editor with syntax highlighting, word count, tools for formatting text, inserting links and images, and a customizable preview.

Keep It can edit its own notes, rich text, plain text and Markdown files, add highlights and notes to PDFs, and show previews for images, web pages and most other documents. Any kind of file can be added to Keep It and opened in its original app for editing.

Keep It integrates well with macOS and iOS. On Mac, you can save files to one of Keep It’s folders in the Finder or standard Open and Save panels. On iPad and iPhone, see Keep It’s files in the Files app, and the standard document browser used by most apps.

Save web links to Keep It in any app via its Share extension. Choose to save them as PDFs or web archives for offline reading, or convert them to editable notes.

Keep It has a number of ways to organize your files – tags hierarchical folders, mirrored in the Finder and Files app, color-coded labels, and bundles, where items can be in more than one bundle at a time. Other lists include the Recents list to see things you’ve added or viewed lately, with the latest shown at the top. Favorites provide quick access. Quick File lets you file things without taking your hands off the keyboard.

Keep It can search the content of most files, recognize text in scanned PDFs and images, and prominent features in images. While searching, suggestions appear as you type, allowing you to narrow down results to exactly what you need, and build complex searches with ease. Searches can be saved for later reuse. Quick Open lets you open anything just by typing its name.

Keep It’s Tag Filter makes finding things by tags easy, and works with search and the selected list. Choose a tag to see all the tagged items and any other relevant tags; choose another tag to drill down further.

Keep It can store everything in iCloud, so your notes and files will be available across all your Macs, and iOS devices. Keep It can also share top-level folders and individual items with other Keep It users via iCloud.

Tasks in Keep It can be automated with AppleScript, Automator and the Shortcuts app. Grab a free trial Mac, iPhone, or iPad and check it out today!