Thanks to Timing for sponsoring this week! I’ve loved Timing for years, and the new vertical timeline view is an awesome upgrade to one of my most-used apps.

Timing Vertical Timeline

Time is your most precious resource. You need to know how you are spending it.

But time tracking is no fun.

Timing fixes that.
It automatically tracks all your time, without you lifting a finger:

  • Timing records how long you use each app, document, and website — without start/stop timers. These timmes can also be automatically categorized using rules, so you don’t have to do it manually.
  • It imports your iPhone and iPad usage from Screen Time, giving you a complete picture of all your device usage. No other time tracking app for Mac does this!
  • In addition, Timing will also import phone calls from your iPhone, so those don’t get lost.
  • The same goes for meetings you attend: Timing will automatically show events from your calendar, so you never forget to record time spent in meetings again.
  • But even when a meeting isn’t on your calendar, Timing automatically recognizes when a call ends and lets you record time for it, so that no meeting goes untracked.
  • Similarly, when you return to your Mac after a break, Timing will ask you what you did during your time away.

All of these features are optional and configurable, of course. And its brand-new vertical timeline makes it even easier to see what you did at a glance.

Timing is the one time-tracking app that will really give you a complete picture of where your time goes, all while taking you much less time to maintain than other time trackers.

Not convinced yet? Read what Brett himself has to say about Timing.
(Spoiler alert: He likes it, and it helps him be more productive.)
Or download the free 30-day trial today and get 10% off for the first year! And if you had tried Timing before and would like to give it another shot, feel free to reach out and we’ll send you a new trial.