
I’ve mentioned WALTR before, most recently the release of WALTR 2. Well, WALTR PRO is out now with a new bag of tricks, so it’s time for another giveaway.

WALTR PRO is designed to make getting files from your Mac to your iOS device a simple drag and drop affair. Audio and video files are automatically converted from almost any format into an iOS-friendly format, then added to the appropriate app. With WALTR PRO you can now send files to third-party apps, too, just by holding down Option when you drop the file. Once converted you’ll get a menu of all the apps that can handle that file type.

It’s not just audio/video files, though, WALTR PRO can send virtually any file type to the appropriate app on your device. Word files, PDFs and EPUBs, photos, even Markdown files. Hold down Option and send it right to the app you need it in.

WALTR PRO also includes built-in metadata editing, allowing you to edit the artwork and metadata of your songs and movies before transferring them.

Here’s the promo video:


WALTR PRO is available for Mac and Windows. It costs $29.95, with a 50% discount for WALTR 2 owners. Check it out at softorino.com/waltr. If you’re interested in a free copy, just sign up below to enter the drawing. I’ll be giving away free licenses to five (5) lucky random winners. Drawing will be on Monday, May 31 at 12PM CST.

Sorry, this giveaway has ended.