-- set the application to type into
-- you need to activate and focus a window prior to calling keyCmd
property process_name : "Finder"
on lowercase(_text)
set _output to do shell script "echo " & quoted form of (_text) & " | tr A-Z a-z"
return _output
end lowercase
(* Trigger a hotkey or character
Usage: keyCmd("hotkey to trigger")
$ : shift
~ : option
@ : command
^ : Control
Trigger "k"
Trigger "K"
Trigger Command-down arrow
keyCmd("cmd down")
Trigger Command-I
keyCmd("cmd i")
Trigger Shift-Option-Command-S
keyCmd("shift opt cmd s")
on keyCmd(_string)
set _mod to {}
set _codes to {{name:"left", code:123}, {name:"right", code:124}, {name:"down", code:125}, {name:"up", code:126}, {name:"escape", code:53}, {name:"esc", code:53}, {name:"pgdown", code:115}, {name:"pgup", code:119}, {name:"home", code:116}, {name:"end", code:121}, {name:"f1", code:122}, {name:"f2", code:120}, {name:"f3", code:99}, {name:"f4", code:118}, {name:"f5", code:96}, {name:"f6", code:97}, {name:"f7", code:98}, {name:"f8", code:100}, {name:"f9", code:101}, {name:"f10", code:109}, {name:"f11", code:103}, {name:"f12", code:111}, {name:"f13", code:105}, {name:"f14", code:107}, {name:"f15", code:113}, {name:"f16", code:106}, {name:"f17", code:64}, {name:"f18", code:79}, {name:"f19", code:80}, {name:"f20", code:90}, {name:"delete", code:51}, {name:"del", code:51}, {name:"tab", code:48}, {name:"return", code:36}, {name:"enter", code:76}, {name:"space", code:49}, {name:"shift", code:60}, {name:"option", code:61}, {name:"opt", code:61}, {name:"control", code:62}, {name:"ctrl", code:62}, {name:"command", code:55}, {name:"cmd", code:55}, {name:"capslock", code:48}}
if _string contains "cmd" or _string contains "command" or _string contains "⌘" or _string contains "@" then set end of _mod to command down
if _string contains "shift" or _string contains "⇧" or _string contains "$" then set end of _mod to shift down
if _string contains "opt" or _string contains "option" or _string contains "⌥" or _string contains "~" then set end of _mod to option down
if _string contains "ctrl" or _string contains "control" or _string contains "⌃" or _string contains "^" then set end of _mod to control down
log (_string)
set _key to last item of words of _string
on error errMsg number errNum -- errors if string is punctuation
set _key to _string
end try
if _key contains "$" or _key contains "@" or _key contains "^" or _key contains "~" then
set _key to last item of characters of _key
end if
set _code to 0
set _maybe_sys_key to my lowercase(_key)
repeat with _keycode in _codes
if name of _keycode is equal to _maybe_sys_key then
set _code to code of _keycode
end if
end repeat
log (_code)
tell application "System Events"
tell process process_name
if _code > 0 then
key code _code using _mod
keystroke _key using _mod
end if
end tell
end tell
end keyCmd
(* trigger a sequence of keystrokes
_sequence: Pass either a space separated string or a list of quoted keys
_delay: delay between characters, 0 for none
Usage: keySeq("character list with shortcut modifers", 0-9)
Hit ⇧⌘K and type "test"
keySeq("$@k t e s t")
keySeq({"shift cmd k","t","e","s","t")
Select two words left
keySeq({"shift opt left", "shift opt left"})
on keySeq(_sequence, _delay)
if class of _sequence is not list then
set {astid, AppleScript's text item delimiters} to {AppleScript's text item delimiters, " "}
set _sequence to every text item of _sequence
set AppleScript's text item delimiters to astid
end if
repeat with _key in _sequence
if _delay > 0 then delay _delay
end repeat
end keySeq
(* Type a string, no modifiers, with delay
_string: characters to type
_delay: float delay (0 for none)
Usage: keyType("testing something out", 0.1)
on keyType(_string, _delay)
tell application "System Events"
tell process process_name
repeat with _chr in characters of _string
if _delay > 0 then delay _delay
keystroke _key
end repeat
end tell
end tell
end keyType
-- example
set process_name to "TextEdit"
tell application process_name to activate
-- create a new doc, convert to rich text, type tab
keySeq("@n $@t tab", 1)
-- type out a sentence at a decent simulated typing speed
keyType("This is going to type out in TextEdit", 0.02)