Web Excursions are select bookmarks from my travels around the interwebs, because I'm always thinking about you while discovering other people's cool stuff. You mean that much to me. You can see all of my (public) bookmarks on my LinkDing, and visit the bookmarks archive for curated lists across the last few years.

Web excursions brought to you in partnership with MindMeister, the best collaborative mind mapping software out there.

Markdown To Medium
A quick way to publish a Markdown post to Medium. Includes the ability to detect code blocks and create gists so you can get Medium’s syntax highlighting.
How to customize the small control strip of the macOS touchbar even further
A cool tip for further customizing the Touch Bar on a MacBook Pro by editing PLIST files.
WebSlides: Create Beautiful HTML Presentations
One of these days I’ll get around to sharing my reviews of the plethora of HTML presentation slides (and all of my Markdown->HTML Deck scripts), but for now I’ll just link the latest coolness. Lacks the presenter notes I love so much, but WebSlides is amazingly powerful for as simple as the markup is.
Find a Remote Job
Given the fact that if I ever decide to return to the workforce as part of a company, I’ll absolutely want to work remotely (because who would want to leave MN in the middle of January?), this Product Hunt collection of apps for finding remote jobs is handy to have bookmarked. That was a really long sentence even without the parenthetical. Sorry.
Opera Neon – The future of web browsers?
Opera’s vision for the future of desktop browsers. Split screen mode, quick image capture to a scrapbook with return links, pop-out video player, and a neat take on tab management.
I never love my code enough to memorialize it, but this service will take your code and create a good-looking poster you can hang on your wall. I like the idea, anyway…
MacScripter / GUI scripting information
I know AppleScript is slowly dying, and GUI scripting is, like, the worst part of automation with AS, but this script is a godsend even if you’re using JSX. It takes any running app and creates a hierarchical list of every menu item in it, making it easy to script choosing them.
Speedtest by Ookla for Mac
I’ve always liked Speedtest by Ookla, especially on my iPhone, and having it in my menubar is handy. And it’s free.

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