Web Excursions are select bookmarks from my travels around the interwebs, because I'm always thinking about you while discovering other people's cool stuff. You mean that much to me. You can see all of my (public) bookmarks on my LinkDing, and visit the bookmarks archive for curated lists across the last few years.

Web excursions brought to you in partnership with MindMeister, the best collaborative mind mapping software out there.

Hop - Email Messaging Superpowers
This looks like a really smart way to handle email threads. I doubt it would suit my needs the way Spark does, but I think the conversion of quoted email conversations into Messages-style conversations is brilliant.
gitmoji - An emoji guide for your commit messages
An emoji guide for your GitHub-hosted commit messages.
I had cause to need to recover an entire defunct section of a website recently. It existed in good shape on the Wayback Machine, but downloading sites isn’t easy there. I searched for solutions a while, and eventually found wayback-machine-downloader. Worked like a charm.
derickfay/key2txt: Convert Keynote files to text (Taskpaper and Markdown) and back
I needed to take a presentation Keynote and turn it into a workable outline, and these scripts worked a charm.
Google Advanced Search Query Syntax
I know most of these, and I almost exclusively use DuckDuckGo, but I think anyone who reads this blog is probably interested in some of the advanced search syntax that Google provides.
Trump Tracker
Regardless of your political leanings, I think we’re all waiting (read: nervous) to see what electoral promises Trump actually follows through on.

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