I haven’t been using Safari much for a while, but after Sierra came out I started getting a lot of requests to update my TabLinks extension. I hadn’t planned to, but then looked into it and realized it was just a codesigning issue. But you know me, I had to update everything else, too.

TabLinks is a Safari extension that will grab all open tabs, either from the current window or all windows, and output a text list using a template format you specify. By default it creates a bulleted list of links in Markdown format, but you can modify as needed and it comes with presets for Markdown links, Markdown references, HTML, plain text.

Version 3.0 has quite a few improvements, mostly in backend code and user interface.

  • Redesigned interface
    • Fewer buttons, less chrome
    • New icons
  • New Markdown Links preset
  • Send to nvALT button option
  • Contextual menu item
  • Removes Google and ProductHunt query parameters

I think I got the manifest settings right to allow automatic updates, but I haven’t looked in to resubmitting to the Extensions Gallery yet. For now, you can just download it directly below, and find more info on the project page. You’ll need to click “Trust” to install it when Safari lets you know it’s not from the gallery. And then feel free to donate below and make it worth the weekend effort. Because you trust me.

TabLinks Safari Extension v3.0.0

TabLinks gathers all of the link information from every open tab and presents them for copying based on a user-defined template.

Published 06/18/10.

Updated 10/31/16. Changelog

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